Saturday, June 25, 2011

So THAT’s how you say Burger King in Arabic...

^ I bought Burger King at the airport  (:
        Dubai was an experience!  Now that we had taken the morning flight from JFK, we arrived in Dubai at around 7 AM the next day (Sunday 6/19)  and our next flight didn’t leave until 3:50 AM the NEXT morning (Monday 6/20).  Just to clarify, the actual flight was about 11 or 12 hours long and then there is an 8 hour time difference, so it all added up to make it so we arrived almost an entire day later.  We got our passports stamped (yay!  my first passport stamp!)  and our first stop was the bathroom, in which we were surprised to find that each toilet came with its very own handheld hose (my first   experience stepping foot in a foreign bathroom haha). The moment when it finally hit me that I had finally set foot in another country though was actually when I stepped outside into the HEAT.  Dang!
Anyway, the volunteers and I decided to get a hotel in Dubai because that was just way too long to spend sitting in an airport.  We spent 200 dollars for 2 rooms, which wasn’t so bad, especially considering that the hotel was super fancy.  Also, the staff was ridiculously polite and offered us these mango drinks at the counter while we waited to be checked in.  We ended up taking a tour of the city to take advantage of our
unexpected day in Dubai.  We saw the Burj Khalifa (the tallest building in the world), Ski Dubai (a mini place to ski indoors!), and the Mall of Dubai, complete with gigantic aquarium and iceskating rink.  Every time we stopped somewhere scenic, our driver would get down on one knee and attempt to balance himself precariously while taking excessive amounts of group photos. Anyway, jetlag hit us all hard about 1 hour into the 3 hour tour.  Most of the people knocked out in the back seat, but I was in the front seat right next to the guy so I was really trying to stay awake.  My head kept tilting forward slowly and snapping back for rest of the tour and I fell asleep like a baby when we got back to the hotel for your average everyday 5 hour late afternoon nap (4:30 to 9:30 PM) before we left for the airport.

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