Sunday, June 26, 2011

Welcome to the Fairest Cape of them all...

^ I made this the title because it is what the pilot said as we landed    
           Ok, so landing in Cape Town on a beautiful sunny morning felt like flying straight into a brochure- a feeling that I haven't been able to shake since.  Mountains everywhere.  You just can't escape the view even if you were crazy enough to want to.  We also got to see some of the beautiful beaches.  One of the most memorable parts of the first day we got here was when we saw this sign that said "shark spotters," with guys standing there with binoculars.  Basically, these guys are paid to keep an eye out for Great Whites and if they see one, set off an alarm to warn the surfers.  Awesome.  Also, I got my first tastes of South African English pronunciation.  zebra= zeh-bra, baboon= b-boon haha, albino= al-bee-no.  I love it.  We got our first view of the townships i.e. towns where all the houses are tin shacks.  More on that later.  After picking up some cheap cell phones at the mall, we got to move into our campsite- not really camping- we stayed in little buildings aka "bungalows" hehe.  Another memorable moment was when we met the program directors' daughter at the door and she was telling us how a baboon had just broken in, but he ran away when reached for the broom haha.  By the way, it is common for baboons to walk down the road or if you don't lock your doors, break in and ransack your kitchen.  *common*  

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